Monday, March 05, 2007

Snapshots of something by the name of Opulence

The stage is set (literally) !!

Short Nap Underway!

Hehe! Food up for grabs (FOR FREE)!!

We ain't too far behind!!

Mother of Big Arguments

"........with engineers let us have sex".

Does Kota get a quota here too??

MBA or not, too young to be marrying........

And the perception is that 4th yearites are a lazy lot!!

And some most photogenic faces !!

Leveraging the 'spotLIGHT' !

The magnum opus!!

And I thought Opulence was the Annual National Management blablabla

MANAGING with bare minimum necessities??

A house packed! Or shall we call it 'Kakared'??

Some are a bit hard to please.....

In NAPt attention!!

Even Prahlad Kakar goes around with 'Black Cats'!!

Czar of the War finalists
Prisoners of War???

Star-gazing for 50,000 in cash...

Czar of the War finals in progress

The Czar of the War
Anwesh (IBMT, Bangalore)

Brimming or rather Grinning with cash

Winding up....(yawn)

The Opulence report by co-convener Ravi Bansal

P.S. All characters appearing in the above work of art are partly fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living,dead or sleeping, is not entirely coincidental. The author disclaims any responsibility in case of copyright infringements or violations and has hence deliberately not included himself in any of the snapshots inspite of being the chief protagonist, planner, schemer and executionist par excellence of Opulence 2007.

The above was just a snapshot of Opulence 2007. In case you want the complete collection of Opulence 2007 photographs for free, mail the author at

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