Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Getting Tagged!

This post was overdue for long courtesy my prodigal namesake (sorry for the cliche, mate) who was desperate to know me better as a person inspite of having spent the best part of 7 years together and had the gumption to tag me. So here are the rules of the tag:

1) Players start with 8 random facts about themselves.
2) Players tagged should post these rules and the 8 facts.
3) Players should tag 8 other people and notify them about it.

So, here is an attempt at convincing everybody that I am as weird as it can get. If you didn't know already that is!

1. I am a person who likes to seek everybody's attention though I do put on a deliberate 'fabricated' air of modesty and humility. I hate to be photographed or caught on video. I guess I am not the first 'celeb' nor will I be the last one to have a similar approach.

2. My favourite pastime would be watching Tiger Woods playing golf. I follow all outdoor sport and my friends will second my claims to being a great sports analyst. My recent predictions include India winning the F-50 World Cup and bowing out in the first round of the T-20 World Cup :-) My dream job would be being a sports journalist and going by past record, would make a good fist of it.

3. The only species I hate giving me company are mosquitoes and ants. I don't mind cockroaches, lizards and even snakes and have a fetish towards stray dogs. A tradionalist who believes in the adage "Live and let live", I believe I would have taken to the Stone Age just like a hippo takes to water.

4. I am a bit of a chauvinist in that I do believe that I am right in all my thoughts and actions. Though a good listener, I do get worked up very quickly when there are some thoughts brandished about which are very much against my central beliefs.

5. I am very poor in handling relationships and social networks. My parents consider me to be the worst introvert in the household though my friends will tell you otherwise. I do form conclusive opinions about people quickly and am very shy when it comes to dealing with a peer group of the opposite sex, something I would attribute to my background of hailing from a boy's school :-( However, it has given me a committed friends group whose company I cherish a lot.

6. I take my reading very seriously and feel very uneasy if I have spent an entire day without learning something new or significant. This reading includes anything but my academic text-books which I shun religiously.

7. I try and enjoy every moment of the life I live and feel very bad if somebody is wronged even if I ain't remotely involved. I consent to most requests made to me and have this annoyingly irritating characteristic trait of being unable to say 'no' to anybody.

8. I like to stay lazy and hence rate myself as being very poor at executing. I generally conceptualise and strategise pretty well and have a pretty good idea about how things should be done. I can give a flawless lecture on how to bowl leg-spin but if you want to see how it is done, look elsewhere!

Vikalp, Ravi, Paddy, Rai, Gopal, Anish, Akshay and Anand...You are at the receiving end of the misfortune!